Ruakaka beach
At Ruakaka beach we were learning about rips at beaches and how to get out of them
and the 5 signals for you to do.
After that we had a swim but before that we had a competition to see who can get
the flag first.
the flag first.
When we finished, Dayton won for the boys. And then finally we got to do something in the
water we had to high five every teacher and that was tiring but then we got
free time and had a swim and the waves were big event bigger than
water we had to high five every teacher and that was tiring but then we got
free time and had a swim and the waves were big event bigger than
Whaea sandy. In the beach was some seaweed stuff and it was slime.
When we got out of the bus we had to get into a partna and we could either choose,
namber one or number two.
namber one or number two.
Number one had to go back into the beach and had a nather swim and number two could
get a bodyboard and
get a bodyboard and
Go with it and have a swim with it. When we were at the beach we were riding the waves.
There were big pieces of seaweed
There were big pieces of seaweed
In the sea. There was big wave the it almost made one of the boards go in to me.